Past Symposia

Browse through our rich history of symposia.

2024: Shaping the Future – keynote speaker Corbin M. Campbell

2023: Fostering Belonging, Bridging Divides – keynote speaker Geoffrey Cohen

2022: Building an Inclusive Community of Care (Lori Reesor Building a Community of Care Slides, Suggested resources from live event’s chat, Per license restrictions archived video is no longer available)

2021: Teaching & Learning Symposium Series (Feb. program, Mar. program, Apr. program)

2020: Lifelong Learning (and Unlearning) as Teachers (Canceled due to COVID-19 protocols)

2019: Understanding Our Students’ Learning (PDF)

2018: Connecting to Our Students (PDF)

2017: Teaching the Wisconsin Experience (PDF)

2016: Engage Students, Personalize Learning (PDF)

2015: Accelerate Active Learning (PDF)

2014: Transforming Education (PDF)

2013: Sparking Innovation: Ideas to Impact (PDF)

2012: Stretching Our Boundaries, Reaching All Students (PDF)

2011: Learning, Doing, Being (PDF)

2010: Taking the Next Step (PDF)

2009: From Teaching to Learning (PDF)

2008: Shaping Our Future (PDF)

2007: Enriching Learning for All

2006: Reconsidering Learning Styles and Strategies

2005: The Engaged Classroom

2004: Literacies of Teaching & Learning

2003: Bridging the Gaps

2002: The Life of a Teacher

2001: Values & Visions

1999: Teaching & Learning with Technology: Progress & Prospects

1997: Teaching & Learning with Technology: Why? When? How?